Solutions for Businesses.


Ensure that their clients businesses are operating smoothly and efficiently. The areas of consultancy could be either technical or business related.


Running a perishable food processing business comes with many risks, but data security does not have to be one of them. All data within the E-Click system is encrypted, and we offer a cloud-based backup system to give you even greater peace of mind. Not only does this system do real-time backups of your data, but your plant can also be switched over to run on it if there is a problem with your main onsite or cloud server.


We have a team of expert technical consultants who will ensure that your installation or upgrade is done in no time.


We have a dedicated technical support team to ensure a quick turnaround. E-Click also continually incorporates client feature- or improvement requests into the system, which are released via regular software updates.

Here to Help Your Every Business Need.

We focus on the software solutions, so you can focus on your business.